We thought it might be nice to create a gallery of photos sent in by TCS customers (with their permission) - For more unbiased, unedited comments and photos visit our Facebook Total Contact Community group
Below is Alina just completing a 20K Trek ride

Lisa schooling Molly a Gypsy Vanner Cob, she goes beautifully in the TCS, her shoulders are free to move. Molly changes shape through the year so using the Total Contact Saddle there is never any concern if her saddle is fitting or not.

Using the Total Contact Saddle is a lovely way to have more contact with your horse while riding, the horse feels you and you feel the horse.

The beauty of the TCS is it fits all sizes horses, this gorgeous boy is on the larger side, but no problem, his TCS fits beautifully, all he needs is a slim saddle cloth underneath.

The Total Contact Saddle is suitable for just about all equine activities, many use it for cross country jumping

Above is one of our TC ambassadors Rebecca Crump, she has just completed her 2024 season with her gorgeous horse Owen, and what a season they have had.
Competed in 7 branches (3 new to them)
Achieved Gold thistle final (further 2 x 80km)
Competed in first 2 day class (2day 60km) and won it
Clocked up 475km this season
All in Owens first veteran year! All barefoot, bitless and TCS

Many of our saddles go overseas, this one has found itself on stunning Chicane's back in Sweden

Beatrix is a 2013 mustang from Fish Creek, Nevada. She is a mix of Dales Pony, Fell Pony, and Chilean Criollo. Her human says " She is a bit of a chunky girl and saddle fitting is so tough. Very happy to have found a solution with the TCS! "

By far the most popular use for the Total Contact Saddle is for hacking, pleasure riding and trail riding. The saddle is so comfortable for horse and rider.

The TCS is used for Horseback Archery. The saddle is so simple with no cantle or pommel to get in the way and restrict movement.

Our Synthetic saddle would be perfect for those who enjoy riding in water regularly. Thank you to A Girl, Her Horse & A Compass for allowing us to use these wonderful photo (please follow her on Facebook and Instagram)

There are now a number of endurance riders using the Total Contact Saddle, the saddle is so durable and light weight and has become a go to for many endurance riders now. The synthetic saddle is very robust and can endure all weathers with no ill affects.

The are no hard and fast rules what you can put with the TCS, every horse and human have different saddle pads & accessories that suit them. Have fun and make the saddle your own!

James and Jane having a wonderful day at a sponsored ride.

The Total Contact Saddle is being successfully used on Arabs, that are often hard to saddle fit. This Arab is in the US and learning his dressage moves

Many people like to jump their horses using the Total Contact Saddle

The Total Contact Saddle is perfect for ponies and children. The child will never out grow the saddle and can use it on every subsequent horse they may own or ride.

Mother and daughter both riding in their own Total Contacts Saddles, both saddles are exactly the same.

Off for a relaxed hack in the TCS. Because you are sitting close to the horse with out a barrier between you and the horse, you can feel the horse and pre-empt any spooks that might be coming up. Many people say they feel so much more secure in the TCS when their horse spooks.

Having a good gallop in the TCS, it's like riding bareback but with the security of stirrups. So much fun.

Matt and Thor say hi, they have their own blog marking their journey together, all in the Total Contact Saddle, it's well worth a look https://www.youtube.com/@MrMrsTEquestrian

Little Tilly riding Hamish the Shetland pony, the Total Contact Saddle fits them both perfectly.

The Total Contact saddle is used for many riding club activities

Yup, you can even jump this high in a Total Contact saddle!

This little Shetland is all ready for his little jockey, one size fits all, you only need one saddle for all your horses.

It's so lovely to feel so connected to your horse while enjoying a ride out with each other.

A Total Contact Saddle for husband

And another for wife

Enjoying nature together, you can ride many miles in a Total Contact Saddle, The saddle can be used for serious endurance riding and miles of trail riding.

The Total Contact Saddle can be used for the same activities as a standard treed saddle.

The Total Contact is shaped to go round the wither and the stirrup bars are set much lower and are of an open type, we use our patented "swing bars", the TCS construction and intention of the product is different than most bareback pads.

Lisa who owns TCS on her Connemara called Bug.

The Total Contact Saddle is perfect for backing horses, it is gentle and lightweight (only 1.2kg) You can feel the horse and the horse can feel you. It's easy to swing your leg over when you get on and off as there is no cantle.

The Total Contact Saddle has been to many weddings as it does not get in the way of the dress, also perfect for equine photo shoots

Want to do a trick or two, no problem using the Total Contact Saddle, no pommel or cantle to get in the way.