2024 Summary from the TCS Team Happy New Year from all at TCS, I hope you had a great Christmas and had some quality pony time. Total Contact Saddles have had a great 2024...
David Kempsell - Wow saddles MD and designer thoughts on the TCS I have just been reading a Dr David Marlin blog about treed and treeless saddles. There is a certain tunnel vision in this article namely regarding riders using treeless saddles....
Your Horse #Hack1000miles We are thrilled to have been voted as the fourth most popular saddle for hacking in the Your Horse #Hack1000miles poll ahead of both endurance and dressage saddles Your Horse...
A pilot study into the effect of a GPS and treeless saddle on the temperature of the horse’s back and its freedom of movement A pilot study into the effect of a GPS and treeless saddle on the temperature of the horse’s back and its freedom of movement. Sophie Keepax, Stuart Attwood, Jessica Berry,...
Gallery We thought it might be nice to create a gallery of photos sent in by TCS customers (with their permission) - For more unbiased, unedited comments and photos visit our Facebook...
Riders' real stories If anyone is hesitating on getting one of these,I highly recommend taking the leap!